We're Going on a Bear Hunt

As many of you know I am a little obsessed with finding things to do or places to go with the kids.  They have a great newspaper here called: Ann Arbor Family that comes out each month with upcoming events for that specific month.  I snatch one of those up every month and circle, highlight, and register for as many fun things as I can.  This month I noticed an ad for a play at the Detroit Music Hall.  The title for the play was "We're going on a bear hunt". It is based on the children's book and I have used this book while teaching before so I was familiar with it.  It said that it was an interactive play for children and this was the hook-line-and sinker for me.
We loaded up the kids, Aunt Katie, and Grandma Angie and headed to the Music Hall to watch the play.  We got there early because I wasn't sure what to expect but this also gave us time to check out the venue.  It was actually pretty cool.  They had a lounge area with a little stage which looked like bands played there, concession area, tables set up.  The decor was very interesting and I caught myself just checking out all the knick knacks sitting on the shelves and hanging from the walls.
 Carter was very into this sign and loved reading the letters off to us over and over.
While we were waiting to be seated we took the time to snag some pictures of the kids and Aunt Katie and Grandma Angie.

We got lucky and sat in the second row from the front of the stage.  When the play began it was just four people and some lame props.  I was a little worried but once the story took off it got much better.  At one point of the story they go through the river and the actors sprayed the crowd with super soaker water guns.  I was laughing my butt off because of how the people around us were reacting to this.  Many of them were freaking out about their hair dos and were covering themselves up with their coats.  The boys were loving it but were in such a trance I would catch myself making sure they were blinking.  At the very end of the play the bear comes out and chases them home and the boys loved seeing the big bear. It was a great event and we were so glad that Aunt Katie and Grandma Angie got to come along with us!


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