Adventures with Maw Maw

The past few weeks Bob has been traveling for work.  He was first in Cleveland and then this past week in Alabama so my mom came up to help out.  It has been wonderful to have an extra set of hands and an adult to talk with.  I have tried to jam pack as much fun as we possibly could into these two weeks!

Our first fun excursion was a trip to the Xtreme Bounce Zone.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays they have open bounce from 10am-8pm. We arrived and before I could get my money out of my wallet, Carter had kicked off his shoes and stripped his coat and was off to the races on the blow up stuff.  He goes crazy in there!  It is the perfect place to take your kids to wear them out!  (That is always my goal each day...wear them out!) Maw Maw was just as quick to jump in with the boys.  There was one of the inflatables with a pretty steep hill to climb up to slide down , several times I watched Maw Maw slide down backwards laughing her butt off.  We then spent quite a bit of time climbing up this inflatable with double slides where we would run first and then jump to make the experience more fun.  After we were all bounced out, we stopped by a cupcake cafe to try out some sweets.

Maw Maw went with us to playgroup everyday.  Landon had her wrapped around his little finger by having her chase him, put together puzzles, play in the sandbox, and go down the slide.  She loved every minute of it! 

The boys love to be apart of any project or activity they can help with.  My mom is so great at always having a plan of something they would enjoy participating in.  This time she had them making Jello Easter eggs.  Wow! They were amazed by how they took the form of the egg.  When they had set up, the boys managed to take a bite out of every one because they wanted to be sure they all tasted the same. 

On Friday we took Maw Maw and her friend Jill to Champion Gymnastic for open gym.  The boys love the trampoline runway where they jump all the way to the end and jump into a pit of foam blocks.  Don't you worry both Maw Maw and Jill jumped down the trampoline runway into the pit also. 
Landon swinging like Tarzan

Muscle Man

A quick cuddle before they jumped into the blocks

The boys and Jill climbing out of the foam blocks

Laura gives Carter a push as he hangs like a monkey

After gymnastics we ventured over to "The Critter House" to check in on all the creatures.  We got there just in time to watch them feed the tortoises.  We watched them munch on a healthy salad.  The boys ran from exhibit to exhibit to show all of the creatures to Maw Maw.  Finally we settled down at Panera for lunch.  The boys were exhausted and napped for 2 hours when we got back and so did I!
Petting a skink

This is my favorite shot...they chat together about the reptiles!

Salad for lunch!

On Saturday Maw Maw took Carter to his last Super Saturday Tae Kwon Do.  He was so proud of himself and told me all about it when he got home!


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