Addie Lou Turns One!

It's official...Adelynn turns one!  The boys had been looking forward to celebrating with Adelynn for her first birthday since the day the invite arrived in the mail.  Danielle was having the party at the Westerville Recreation Center which has an amazing pool and water play area.  Once we arrived at the place the boys ran to see where they would be splashing around after the party.
Carter kept asking me questions about what Adelynn could do now that she was one year old.  "Could she eat candy? Could she race trucks with him and Landon? Would she get more teeth since she was one?"  It was so cute listening to him wonder about when she could do the things he enjoyed and what he knew she would enjoy too.
The whole party was a hit...decorations, food, etc!  Adelynn was so cute as she dug into her cake.  She spent most of the time playing in the frosting and not really eating it.
This was moments before Danielle uses her cat like quickness to snatch the cake up as Adelynn reaches for the burning birthday candle.

Ooey Gooey Fun!

Munching cupcakes next to Riley

Check out this cool pinata.  Instead of hitting it with a stick you pull the ribbons and when all the ribbons have been pulled the candy falls out.  Brilliant idea for a birthday party with young kids! (check out Danielle's belly bump in the background)

Sugar Rush!

What a great time we had celebrating with Adelynn!  Wished we all lived closer because I love getting the kids together...nothing like love between cousins!


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