Nonstop Weekend Fun

A cool event here is Chelsea is called "Super Saturdays".  This is where for the next four Saturdays in the month of March you can choose a class for your child to participate in.  They have gymnastics, sports, animal exploration, and tae kwon do.  This silly mom forgot to sign up Carter until the last minute so the gymnastics class was full so we had to try tae kwon do.  I have to admit that I was extremely excited about Carter trying tae kwon do.  He was a little unsure about what it was so we got a book from the library and read it several times.  On the way to the class he kept asking questions about it, like...Will I have to wear a white robe and a color belt? Do I get to take my socks and shoes off? Can I break a piece of wood with my foot today? Bob and I would just smile and remind him that it would all be new and we could find out when we got there.
When we arrived we waited in the cafeteria until the instructor came to get the kids and lead them to class.  The instructor and his helpers were wearing the white robes with their color belts and Carter was sure to point that out to Landon.  They lead the kids to class and asked them to take off their shoes and put them by the wall.  All the helpers were bare foot so Carter asked if he could take his socks off too.  The instructor said he didn't have to but you better believe he was bare foot before the instructor could finish his sentence.  He had to be just like the helpers. There were 18 kids in the class and Carter was one of the youngest ones. I was a little concerned about this but he quickly showed me I didn't need to worry.  He was hanging on every word or movement that the instructor or helpers did.
They began the class with bowing to the flags and then getting in their fighting stance.  Then they had the kids kick.  The instructor told the kids they needed to scream when they were kicking to help them breathe. Most of the class was young boys and when they screamed it sounded like a high pitch teenage girl.  When Carter screamed he sounded like an angry pirate..."Arrgh"  It was hysterical!
Look at how excited he is! 

Landon took this picture...Carter is getting ready to kick the pad

Watching and listening intently to the instructor

A successful start to "Super Saturdays"...Tae Kwon Do.  I can't wait until next Saturday but until then we will be practicing what we learned at home!


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