Snow Much Fun!

Last week we had a snow storm surprise which resulted in a snow day for Chelsea schools.  This means no teaching for me!  The best part about this was that not only did we get about 6 inches of snow but it was warm enough outside that we could bundle up and enjoy it.  Landon needed some convincing to get the courage to go outside but Carter was nipping at the bud to get out there in the snow.  We all got bundled up and headed outdoors.  The first job was to shovel the sidewalk.  I had recently purchased kid sized snow shovels to let the kids help us out.  I know it sounds a lot like child labor but they are really excited about helping out and I am going to go with this until it changes.
All bundled up

Hard at work shoveling

After the shoveling was complete we decided to make a snowman family to represent our family.  The boys were so helpful for the first snowman but then I ended up finishing the rest.  Once the family of snowmen were complete we decided to paint them.  I found this idea off of pinterest.  You use squirt bottles filled with food colored water and squeeze them on the snow.  This was so much fun!  
Landon insisted on using "golden" water however to everyone else it looked like many animals had stopped by our yard to water the snow.

Carter was very particular about the design of his colored water.

The finished product along with some crazy dancing kids


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