Let the contractions begin!

On Monday night I began to have contractions around 1:45am. I have to tell you that I was excited to finally be able to feel what a contraction felt like.  I woke up Bob and announced it to him and we celebrated a little before the next one came around.  They were very contistent-every 10 minutes for about 5 hours straight.  To cope with them I was breathing, walking, and rocking from side to side.Soon after that they slowed down to every 30 minutes and then every hour.  At 8am I called the hospital and they said, " Until the contractions are 5-7minutes apart just stay at home."  So I decided that I needed to walk and get things moving.  I walked to PAT, the library, the school to pick up the girls that I watch, etc...
The plan was to have my Mom and Dad come up on Wednesday evening so they could be here to help with the boys when we head to the c-section.  My mom was getting very anxious and decided to head up on Monday afternoon.  This worked out well because the contractions continued...
Last night around midnight I began to have contractions again.  They were regular with the fact that they were happening every 6-12 minutes.  I told Bob I was headed downstairs to walk them off but I found out later he didn't remember that at all so he didn't have any idea that I wasn't in bed with him.  The contractions were strong and I became nauseous, got sick, and had the chills.  I decided around 3am to call triage and see if they thought it was time to come in.  They said yes, so I quickly grabbed my bag, computer, camera and headed up to wake up Maw Maw and Bob.  As we were headed out to the car, I had a contraction and threw up on the driveway and all over my tennis shoes.
When we arrived at the hospital they had me put on the hospital gown and Bob helped me button up the gown. I thought that it was strange but thought it was just me. The midwife checked me and I was dilated 3cm.  I wanted to jump up and down because I never dilated with either boy. Then we walked to our labor and delivery room where the nurse giggled about Bob's attempt to tie up my gown.  Silly Bob.
Once we were in our room the anesthesiologist asked if I was ready for the epidural.  I told her I wanted to be able to walk the halls for a little while longer, so she said she would come back later.  About 30 minutes after that the pain was getting so bad that I thought I was going to hunt down the anesthesiologist and put in my own epidural.  Seriously, it felt like forever after I asked our nurse to get the anesthesiologist back in the room.  I kept telling Bob to "fix this" or "I can't do this" or "make it stop" and he calmly told me everything was going to be ok.  I contemplated tearing his head off at that moment, but I realized he may be right.  About 20 minutes after they insert the epidural I was feeling much better.  The contractions are still painful, but nothing like earlier.  Now we are in a waiting game, which is why I am blogging to pass the time.  With the U of M being a teaching hospital they have a lot of med students.  It seems like every 5 minutes there is someone checking out my goods or asking some sort of questions.  The doc just checked me and I am now 6-7cm dilated.  Hoping something happens soon.  Wish us luck.


Kori said…
Yay!!!!! Can't wait to hear the news that your little bundle has arrived!!! Thinking of you in this time of excitement!!! :-)
Anonymous said…
Good luck, Heidi. I've been thinking about you all day. Take care, Love, Chris, Darian Brynara and Kevin.
Mrs. Katie Cseh said…
Congrats Heidi!! Enjoy your new little bundle of joy!!

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