The Easter bunny and so much more

Since we were in Columbus for the easter egg hunt my sister decided to host Easter at her house.  This was great because it will be the last chance before the new baby arrives to get the whole family together. We took advantage of every moment together.  We visited the local park where the boys loved playing outside by the water and mud.

Aunt D and baby Adelynn

Maw Maw and Paw Paw

King of the Mountain

Adelynn stops just a minute to catch her breath as she chases the boys

Paw Paw shakes the cat tail as Carter holds on for dear life

Next we went back to get dinner ready and the boys helped to make Easter Scotcheroo's!  They were so yummy!

The finished product...Grandma Grocho smiles in the background as she has watched the boys lick the chocolate off their fingers as they decorate dessert.

The boys have a slight obsession with "Mario Kart" for the Wii and Uncle Edd has it so they were more than excited to play.  Needless to say, the Boone household will not be getting a gaming system anytime soon.  Adelynn loved to watch the boys play.

I could just kiss that face off!

One of the many games of Chutes and Ladders

Then we took some time to color eggs.  There is really not an easy way of doing this fun project without getting covered in dye.  I held my breath because we were at Aunt D's house and the thought of creating a mess at her house made me nervous.  Maw Maw had a brilliant idea of putting the dye in a baggie, letting the boys drop in the egg, and then shaking the bag until the egg was covered.  This was pure genius because as you can see from the photo their fingers were all different colors.

The Easter Bunny Arrives!
We woke up early Easter morning to find "bunny tracks" on the deck outside.  I saw this idea on pinterest and believe me it looked better when they did it but it got the point across.

Easter bunny tracks

Playing with everything the Easter bunny brought them.  Check out the super hero cape that Carter is wearing...Aunt D made them for the boys!

Adelynn loved playing with the boys toys

Easter morning excitement with Maw Maw

Killer shades they found in their baskets!

The boys are totally into maps and globes.  Bob is helping Carter play with the new toy globe!


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