A hunting we will go...for easter eggs that is!

Carter has recently found the song "A Hunting we will go" on his favorite learning site (www.starfall.com) so we have been singing it over and over again.  This is why it lead to the title for this post because it has been stuck in my head for days!  On Saturday we headed down to Columbus to start the Easter fun!  Last year we went to the Easter Egg Hunt with my cousin Brian's church because it is just so well organized for young kids.  This year Adelynn was old enough to participate in the hunt!  The boys were in two seperate areas so Bob and I had to split.  I went with Carter while he stayed to supervise Landon.  Carter was a flash of light as soon as they dropped the flag to begin.  I could barley get him focused in the camera to snag a shot.
Finding the hidden eggs

At the starting line...getting ready to dash!

Carter is yelling to me that he found the golden egg!
Aunt D, Uncle Edd, and Baby Adelynn

The boys with Paw Paw

This year my Grandma and Grandpa Grocho came along to watch the great grandkids at the hunt!  Judging by Grandma's smile I think she had a great time!

A successful egg hunt!  


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