Ready or Not...Here Comes Baby #3

Yesterday was my most recent doctor's appointment.  On Saturday I will be 38 week pregnant.  Bob surprised me and the boys and met us at the appointment.  What a great surprise it was...not sure if it was the hormones but it made me tear up! Dr. Bell is amazing as I have said before and here is a picture of how she lets Carter help find the heartbeat.  He thinks he is hot snot!
Sorry about the huge belly shot but this is a moment that I don't ever want to forget!

Next, the doctor wheeled in her ultrasound machine to take a quick look at the baby.  The baby is head down and face down...good news!  This was so neat because Bob got to see the baby for the first time because he was unable to go to the ultrasound at 21 weeks because he stayed at home with the boys.  We are getting excited for this little one to make its appearance.  
Here are the "coming home" from the hospital outfits...Girl or Boy!

Thanks to Grandma Angie and friends we are stocked well with diapers.

The current plan still stands...I am hoping to go into labor and deliver vaginally.  However if this doesn't happen before April 25th I am scheduled for a c-section.  Dr. Bell will not induce me because of my past experience with Carter's delivery which I agree is the right decision. At next week's appointment Dr. Bell said she going to try and get things moving so say a little prayer for us as we face this new challenge!


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