Our Family of Four

As we quickly await the arrival of the new baby, my doctor reminded me to enjoy the time we have left of just being a "family of four". It was such a great reminder because I have been so busy with getting everything ready and planned out for the baby that it has been a blur. Bob and I decided to make the most of every moment we have together so here are just a few of the things we have been doing together.
From Pinterest...making frozen yogurt fruit bites

We got out our new stampers and stamped the back of wrapping paper.  Bob was along for the activity until it started to get messy and then it was too much for him to handle.

Carter braves the two wheel bike.  He is so eager to be riding around on a "big boy" bike.

Blowing bubbles!

Carter draws his shapes and teaches Landon about each one.

Landon loved coloring them in with chalk

We then used vinegar in the spray bottle to spray on the chalk because according to pinterest it was supposed to fizz. This activity did not turn out as stated however the boys enjoyed using the spray bottles to spray water everywhere. 

Flying kites for the first time at the park

Climbing up the rock wall

Carter loved running with his Cars kite

Building a car wash with new bristol blocks with Daddy!

The dynamic of our family will quickly be changing but we trust that all we need is love!  Love is all we need!


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