More Spring Break fun

Since this past week was spring break vacation for the Chelsea Schools, that meant no preschool for Carter and no PAT for me so we decided to stay down with Aunt D. This meant fun, fun, fun! Maw Maw decided to try another project with the boys. This time it was making chocolate race car pretzel rods.  Bless my mom's heart she tries so hard to find fun things to do with the boys and some how it always turns out harder than you think.
Maw Maw rereads the directions to make sure she knows what she is doing.

The boys put the chocolate melts in the squeeze bottle.  Both of the squeeze bottles melted in the microwave.

The boys squeezed as hard as they could to get just a little bit of chocolate into the mold.
The end product didn't look like it should but the boys didn't mind because they tasted yummy!

Another idea that turned out to be a flop was an idea I saw on pinterest.  It was a glow in the dark Easter egg bath.  You put glow sticks inside eggs to float in the water.  I could not get the glow bracelets to stay in the eggs without popping apart so we just made them into bracelets and tossed them into the bath with the kids.  It was pretty cool and they had a great time.  

Adelynn watches as the boys get crazy in the bath.
The fun continues...
Maw Maw tries to play Mario Kart with the boys

Everyone doing the "clean plate" dance at lunch!

Adelynn watches as the boys play with her toy

This picture is so funny because the boys would race their monster trucks through the kitchen and living room.  While Adelynn had lunch she would SQUEAL as they came by her!  This is her squealing in her high chair.  When she was down she would giggle and chase the boys and their monster trucks!

Maw Maw reads the kids their favorite books...Pete the Cat!

These last photos are just priceless with the kids!  Catching a moment when everyone is looking and smiling is almost impossible.
The last picture of two prego sisters!  It has been fun watching our bumps grow together!  

Cuddles...they all light up when they get together!

One proud Maw Maw...she is anxiously awaiting the arrival of two more grandkids.


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