Camping Out Indoors

A few weeks ago Grandma Angie sent a present for the boys. It was a play tent.  Bob set it up downstairs in the basement and the kids were having a blast inside it.   Bob had told the boys that they could have a slumber party in it over the weekend.  He forgot that it was the same night as an important Final Four Game featuring the University of Michigan.  Now if you have ever watched any kind of sports game with Bob you know that there is a lot of yelling, jumping, and fist pumping so he wasn't sure if he could do the slumber party and keep the kids asleep.  After telling the boys about sleeping in the tent there was no going back on that so we made it work.
They were so excited about sleeping in the tent.  We brought down blankets and pillows and put the sound machine projector on stars.  We read books together and jumped right into the tent.  Bob and I set up an air mattress right next to the tent for the night.  It was so cute to see them curled up in the tent next to each other.

Bob kept himself composed enough throughout the game not to wake up the boys!  With all the excitement of making this camping adventure all that it could be, both Bob and I forgot to have the boys go potty right before they laid down.  Landon woke up at 2am because he had peed the bed.  Then he came to our bed and peed again. About 2:30 Carter woke up because he did the same thing.  After changing Carter I gave up on the tent experience and took Carter upstairs to bed.  Bob stayed downstairs to cuddle with Landon.  The best laid plans always seem to have some catch!  We spent the next day washing sheets, blankets, and pjs!  


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