Always a change in plans...but worth it!

Around 4pm the doctor came in and said that I was competely dilated and that she needed to turn down the epidural.  I quickly asked, "Why would you need to do that?"  They then replied that they wanted me to feel bottom pressure so I could know when to push.  At this point I was so amazed that my body had gotten to this point with out pitocin or any other meds.  I was nervous about the pushing because it was new for me and also I had no idea what I was doing. The nurses were fabulous about coaching me and teaching how to make this work.  We started pushing and I thought things were going well but I was struggling getting him out.  After about 45 minutes of pushing without much progress at all I started to have major pain in my tailbone and cramps in the muscle by my leg.  I was in a lot of pain like the crazy wolf  lady moaning and howling at the moon that you hear down the hall as you enter the birthing unit.  I was that crazy possessed lady.  The doctors became worried and thought that both of these sudden painful occurances could result in a ruptured uterus so they sent me to the operating room for a c-section. The options they presented us with at time were using the vaccum to take out the baby or c-section.  I was very worried about them using the Dyson on the baby's head. Bob spoke up and said, "I can tell with as much pain as she is in, let's just do the c-section." Thank heavens for my knight in shining armor.  He saved me...because I was hurting so bad but couldn't put it into words what I wanted to do. The nurse tossed Bob a set of scrubs and wheeled me out to the operating room. I have come to tell you that my pain tolerance isn't what I thought it could be.  All those ladies that can deliver their babys' wear gold halos cuz this girl just can't do it!
In the operating room they turned on the epidural again which took another 30 minutes to kick back in.  During this time I began to shake uncontrollably which is normal for me with the c-section meds.  They strapped me down to the operating table and covered my top half with warm blankets.  The room was full of people.  There were doctors, interns, residents, and students all in this small room.  You should have seen the look on Bob's face when he walked in.  He said to should see how many people are here.  The did a roll call and I lost count at 16. The surgery began and the doctor asked Bob to stand up to see the baby.  He stood up and I said, "Is it a boy or a girl?"  He looked down at me with huge tears of joy and said, "It's another boy.  We will never have anything nice ever again!"  I cracked up!  We were instantly in love with our new little man!
In the recovery room, I was still shaking and my body temperature could not be regulated.  I was then wrapped up in warm blankets and given warm water to drink.  The boys came back to meet their little brother.  Carter was a little unsure about seeing me hooked up to all the machines but began to kiss on Nolan's little head.  Landon wanted to see Nolan up close and kiss on him too.  Carter said, "I told you Mommy we would have 4 boys and 1 girl in our family." Maw Maw bawled when she came back to see him.  The nurse said she was so surprised with how excited my mom was because she acted as if it was her first grandchild. Paw Paw came back to see him too but seemed very concerned about me. Aunt Katie came  back to visit Nolan and he instantly had her wrapped around his finger.  She just melts when she holds him in her arms.
When we finally got back to the room around 10pm I was told that my platelet count was too low.  This meant that they were worried I would be unable to clot so they would not take out my epidural.  Needless to say even today when they took my blood the count is still very low so I have the epidural in my back.  This means no shower until it comes out...yep I am a stink bomb! Bob and I crashed from pure exhaustion.  I was in mid-sentence to Bob and would wake myself up snoring. Bob's back has really been bothering him so I felt so bad for him on the fold out bed.  He went home early this morning to grab a quick nap and be able to spend some time with Carter and Landon.
Nolan has done a great job with nursing.  He latched on really well kinda like a leach. His name is Nolan Andrew Boone.  Born on April 24th, 2013.  He was 8lbs 6oz and 22inches long.  He is the newest addition to this crazy family and we are simply content.
As I reflect on my decision to try labor, I am glad that I got the opportunity to feel contractions, dilate, and try to push.  I can check those things off my life to do list.  I admit I was a little disappointed but when I see the total outcome I am completely at peace with it.  Thanks so much for all of the support and love from friends and family!
Our first picture with the new little dude!  

All the Boone's boys...wouldn't have it any other way!  This lady is a princess surround by the love from 4 princes.

One tired momma! Worth every minute!


Anonymous said…
You are awesome, Heidi. Congratulations. Take care and we will talk soon.
Kori said…
Such Excitement!! Congratulations! Can't wait to meet the newest addition to your family!

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