Wacky warm weather in December

This December has been unusually warm.  We have yet to see any snow.  I thought this would be a bummer but we are loving it because we can play outside so much.  Landon is especially loving it because he could wear shorts more often!  Saturday we woke up and headed outside to enjoy the wonderful weather.  Carter, Landon, Bob and I played soccer against each other while Nolan kicked the other soccer ball around the backyard.  We then had hot chocolate and marshmallows at the picnic table on the back porch.

It is a whole lot of family fun when we play against the boys…it gets a little competitive.

After soccer, the boys wanted to rake the leaves that finally fell off the tree.  I know it seems crazy to rake leaves in December but we loved it. 
They would rake and rake to then throw handfuls at each other.
Nolan is really starting to stretch out so he can reach the pedals and really pedal hard on his bike.

Leaf bag fun!

Keep this warm weather coming!!!  Happy warm December!


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