A house divided

The big day at our house is always the Michigan vs Ohio State football game day.  The boys love having fun for cheering against each other.  This year we dressed them up in clothes of either team and they we so excited.  Paw Paw gets some pre game cuddles.

A staged photo of the family is a necessity! 

This is what it really looks like!! Ha!  
On this Saturday, the day after the Polar Expresss, we jumped in the car early morning to head to Michigan for Boone Thanksgiving.  When we arrived Bob and Angie headed to watch the game and I tossed the kids in the car and headed to see the Lokers family in Chelsea.  
That day the Boys Scouts had a toys for tots drop off in the library and photos for Santa.  Thank goodness for Laura she had enough gifts for all the boys to give a toy and we joined them at the library for this fun event!
Santa was so sweet to the boys.

Group photo with the man with a white beard!

Next we ventured over to The Treehouse.  I thought it would be so empty because all the people would be watching the game but it seems that there are a lot of football widows with a need for a place to wear out their children.  The kids didn't seem to notice how crowded it was so that was just fine.  
Snack time at the tree house

Nolan loves himself some Abby.  If he wasn't with her, he was looking for her.  
After we had exhausted the kids, we drove to one of my favorite toy stores in Michigan:Learning Express.  I was just hoping to let the kids look around and get some ideas for Christmas gifts but when we walked in the "black Friday" sales were still going on and I couldn't help myself.  Laura and I secretly put gifts for the kids behind the counter and then took turns buying and having them gift wrapped as the other one watched the 5 kids.  It was hysterical.  There was a point in time when 4 out of the 5 kids needed to use the restroom…no public restrooms of course…I think the employee felt sorry for me and let me sneak them all in just once.  I marched them in line back to the restroom and everyone went and washed hands.  They had such a fun time playing with all the toys!  

Carter and Abby pose together for a quick selfie.

It was a fun quick visit with our friends.  We love every chance we get to get together!
If you are interested…the Ohio State Buckeyes did win the game that day! Go Bucks!


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