The search for the perfect tree

The annual trip for our Christmas tree had finally arrived!  Thank goodness for this crazy warmer weather so we didn't have to bundle up the kids this year.  When we arrived, it was super packed…more than ever since we had been there before.  We searched high and low for our (my) favorite kind of tree Concolor because it smells like an orange! 
The boys play hide in seek amongst the trees and Landon was trying so hard not to be found in his super neon coat!

We found the tree…a group photo is always a difficult task to do but it captures our craziness!

Maw Maw and Paw Paw love to join us on this annual trip.  They drove up to have some fun with us!  

I love this picture of the boys pushing the tree up the hill.  Great teamwork!  

One of my favorite parts is watching Bob tie down the tree to the top of the van.  Thank goodness after three years coming we finally remembered the straps to tie it down.  Every year previously we just used just the twine and crossed our fingers it wouldn't fly off on the way home.

Having hot cocoa

Another great adventure there is the hay ride through the woods.  It is quite unsafe because you sit on hay bales on a flat bead wagon without sides on the bumpiest terrain this side of the Mississippi but we still do it!  
Landon was pouting because he had to sit with his family instead of at the front of the wagon with strangers.  Oh, the life of the middle child…always being difficult!

Fun on the wagon

Last but not least our family photo on the sleigh…this took about 20 takes!  
Boone family fun!


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