Road trip to Maw maw and Paw Paw's house

Bob and Donnie jumped in the car for the weekend and headed to Pennsylvania to the Penn State/Michigan football game.  That meant to us…ROAD TRIP!!  Saturday morning we jumped into the car and headed down to Bucyrus.  The boys and I stopped through to visit Grandma and Grandpa Grocho.  At this time, Grandpa looked good.  He was a little pale and thinner but his personality still shines through.  Grandma couldn't keep her arms away from hugging the boys at any chance she gets…she loves those boys so much.  We didn't stay too long so Paw Paw suggested a quick trip to Mohican.  I was a little worried since we had just been in the car for over an hour and we were going to go some more.

As we started to get into the "hills" the boys were having a blast.  Nolan would yell from the backseat…"hands up" as we would drive down the hills.  Paw Paw would give it some extra gas as we sped down the hills.
Once we arrived at the covered bridge, the boys were more than ready to get out and explore the outdoors.  It was pretty chilly so we bundled up.  In the river there was a man who was fly fishing.  He brought over a small fish that the boys and I touched and released back into the water.

Smile for the camera!

The boys are in their true element as they climb, race, hide, and investigate nature! Maw Maw has the death grip on Nolan's hood because she was worried that he would fall down the sides of the hill.

King of the Mountain!

After all that hiking we headed back to Bucyrus.  The boys were happy to soak their feet in Maw Maw's special foot massager.

We are weekend warriors!!


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