A trip to the North Pole

The day after spending Thanksgiving with family in James's lodge we jumped into the car and drove back up to Cleveland.  We have been waiting for years to take the boys to "The Polar Express" train ride to the North Pole because I am such a cheap skate.  To our luck, Bob's work offered discount tickets and we jumped at the chance to do it before it is too late!
Maw Maw and Paw Paw joined us on the trip!

Since we came straight from Columbus, I didn't plan well enough to have matching pajamas for the boys so thank goodness for Costco.  I ran in like a chicken with my head cut off on Black Friday to get 3 matching sets of PJ's…SCORE!  On a side note as I was digging through the pile of pi's I overheard a man tell his wife, "Honey, we can come back to the pajama's when it's not so crazy."  Ha!

Those boys sure do love their Maw Maw and Paw Paw

All aboard!!!  Each child was given a golden ticket to ride the train.

There were woman dressed as elves that brought around paper and pencils for the kids to write their wish list for Santa.  Carter quickly grabbed the sharp pencil and began to scribe everything that he wanted. 

Nolan was trying hard to write his own. "Me do myself"…He said that he wanted a bunny.  Good Luck Santa!

As the train pulled out of the station the ticket taker came around and punched each ticket using a snowflake punch.
Right after the train started to move, there was a leak in the ceiling and all the rain water on the roof came through and dripped down onto my seat in my lap.  Yep, that happened! Don't worry it didn't rain on my parade! Ha!

The story teller elf read the story of the Polar Express while others passed out chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate.

Carter and Landon really enjoyed their time on the train.  Nolan was in rare form.  He went through moments for happiness and sadness.  We were pushing his limits with his bedtime.

After an hour train ride, we arrived at the North Pole.  There were lights galore, dancing elves and characters.  Then Santa drives by on his own small train.  As our train rolls out of the station, Santa climbs aboard and greets every child.  He gives them a silver Polar Express bell that they can ring. 
Landon was asleep on the train until Santa came and he jumped right up to see him.

It was a magical moment!


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