University circle-fest

With this wonderful warm weather, we jumped at the chance to visit Circlefest at University Circle in Cleveland.  We had never been before.  All of the museums have free admission, they set up an ice rink, and have fun crafts for kids to do.  I was excited to head into the Botanical Gardens with the kids. While we waited in line there were horses by the sidewalk.  Landon and Nolan had a blast petting them.

There was a rainforest part of the garden with huge trees, butterflies, and beautiful flowers.  
Look at Nolan's face as he watches the trains go by.  He cried so hard when we had to leave.  I think that he would have stayed there all day to watch the trains.

Unexpectedly we splurged at a train ride for all of us through the garden on this little green train.  Maw Maw joined us on the train too!

Loving every moment of being in the train

He was holding his ticket so tight as he watched out the window.

These cuties were having fun too!

There was a man creating ice sculptures that the boys enjoyed watching

Inside the gardens, they had a fun craft for the boys to do.  It was a paper snow globe.  At the end they painted snow using a q-tip and white paint.  I had to carry these wet projects as we walked through the museums.  When we went outside the boys needed to put on their coats, Carter bumped into the white paint and it covered his coat.  He didn't realize it and I didn't want to tell him because he would have been upset.  Next, Landon bent down to pick up his coat and ran his forehead into Carter's coat and wiped paint across his hair.  Oh how we all giggled because it didn't phase him at all!  

On to our favorite place, The Natural History Museum!  Love watching them dig for dinosaur bones!

Carter and Landon were so interested in learning about these different rocks.  Carter would read the clues and Landon would match it up to the picture.

Carter was checking out the rocks with the magnifying glass.
We had a great time and hope to go back next year too!


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