Meeting Baby Lincoln

With our schedules being pretty crazy, we have yet to drive down to Columbus to meet baby Lincoln.  I drove down with the boys on Friday morning.  We first went to the Toledo Zoo with the Lokers.  The boys thought they were hot snot because since the Lokers hadn’t been to the zoo before they could show them everything. It was jam packed because every school in the galaxy decided to take their last field trip of the year.  We enjoyed seeing all the fun animals.  After lunch we drove down to Bucyrus to see Maw Maw and Paw Paw.  On Saturday morning Bob joined us and we packed up and headed down to aunt D’s house.  We stopped at “Old McDonald’s” on the way down for lunch.  We used to stop at this one when I was a kid and I loved getting to see the statue so I couldn’t help but snag a picture of the boys. 

Lincoln and Nolan were born only 24 days apart but looking at them it looks as if Nolan could eat Lincoln.  He is so tiny.  Nolan is such a healthy baby and is really packing on the rolls. The boys loved giving kisses to the new babies. 

Lincoln and Nolan

 Later that evening we went to Easton, an outdoor mall, and had dinner.  This was quite an achievement because we had 4 adults and 5 children with an age range of 3 years to 4 weeks.  Needless to say the waiter was not amused with the mini circus we brought in.  Everything went very well until the end when our waiter disappeared and the kids started to melt down.  My favorite part of the night was when our waiter did return as he reached across the table to hand the check to Bob, Adelynn pinched him in the belly.  I laughed so hard tears rolled down my face! 
On Sunday we went to a huge splash pad on the Scioto Mile.  It was a beautiful day and the arts festival was going on too!  As the kids splashed they had different musicians performing and tons of food everywhere.  We ate and listened for hours.  Carter ran through the shooting water as Landon ran the perimeter because the water was pretty cold. Adelynn would watch the boys in the water but was a little shy of running through it.

Adelynn and Landon stopped to share have a bag of veggie cheese chips

In only four short years my sister and I have had 5 kids…that is craziness.  I can’t wait to watch them all grow up together!


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