A House to call home

The week that Bob headed to Cleveland to a training, he decided it would be in our best interest to multi-task.  Which means...house hunt! He left early Monday morning and went through 9 houses in the area which we were looking to relocate.  He called me afterward and said there were two that he liked.  One house to rent and one house to buy.  Bob has always thought that within his career journey he would have to make 3 moves to be satisfied for right now in this company.  Our move to Chelsea was the first, back to Cleveland being the second, and back to headquarters which is now located on the east side of Cleveland.  With this idea we had to put this into consideration with deciding what our next plan would be.  Would it be best to rent a home again so we wouldn't be tied down to it when and if he heads to the east side or just look for a house we love and plant ourselves there?  When Bob called to tell me about the house to buy I knew it was going to be the "one" if we could get our hands on it.  The trouble was that Bob had yet to interview and be presented with an offer so we could place an offer on this house.  Once Bob interviewed he stopped by the house to see it once more before heading back here to Chelsea.  I looked at the pictures online and really think it will be a great place for our family.  The next week on Monday the sellers called us to tell us that they had a buyer who presented an offer and wanted to know if we were still interested.  Bob bought us some time so we could wait to hear about whether they would offer Bob the job at the plant in Cleveland.  Sure enough, Bob was given an offer for the job and he gladly accepted and then we called an placed the offer on the house.  Holding our breath we waited to hear back from the seller...The next day he called and said it is our house.
Our new house

We are so excited to finally be able to call a house our home...It has been two years of renting so we are ready to be able to unpack and make it our own.  I have yet to see the house in person but I trust that Bob knows what is best for our family and he knows what we like.  I will see it for the first time the day that we move in.  That sounds crazy, believe me I know but Bob's got it under control.

On a side note...Today at Target I had a coupon for a free bakery item from Starbucks.  I asked Bob to grab us something to drink and then redeem the coupon for something to share with the kids.  He comes back and he had chosen a blueberry strudel muffin.  I immediately criticize him because I thought he should have gotten the cake pop instead.  His remark was..."You trust me to make a decision about buying a house but yet you give me grief about choosing a bakery item from Starbucks?" This made me giggle and then look at life from that perspective...I guess a blueberry strudel muffin will be fine!


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