Carter turns 4!

I know you are thinking the same thing as me…Where did the time go?  It feels like I blinked and four years went by.  He amazes me with so many things.  Here comes the bragging mom on a soap box…he knows all of his letters and sounds, can write his name, can count over 50, and rides a big boy bike.  His recent obsession are numbers…skip counting, addition, and subtraction.  It might not seem like much but this momma is impressed and since I am his biggest cheerleader than I guess it works for us. 

On his birthday he chose to have his birthday lunch at Bob Evans.  He ordered his meal of chocolate chip pancakes with a sausage link.  
Landon shares his water with Adelynn

Then we went to a place called recreation adventures where they have trampolines and outdoor playground equipment indoors.  He played so hard he was a sweat hog!  To cool off, Maw Maw and Paw Paw  took us to Wendy’s for ice cream cones.  Bob was in Cleveland for work so he sent Carter a video message of him singing Happy Birthday.  Carter loved it and asked to watch it over and over.  It made me cry…of course. 

 Can’t believe our little guy is four years old!


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