Chicago Trip...Part Two

On Saturday morning we left Shaumberg and headed downtown Chicago to experience the city!  Our first stop was Shedd Aquarium. This is such a cool place.  We had been there before with Carter when he was a little over a year but Landon was still in my belly!  The boys were enjoying watching the fish swimming all around. This time we watched the aquatic show which showcased dolphins, beluga whales, and birds.  I was ready to watch them all do fun tricks but it was mostly a teaching show which didn't hold the attention of the boys too much.
Watching the show

My favorite part was called the Polar Play Zone. There was a submarine where the kids could play and press buttons.  The boys and Greta loved playing here more than looking at the fish for awhile.

Greta waves to me through the submarine window. That girl melts my heart!
Carter and Albert exploring the submarine.

Next there was a penguin area.  There was a tunnel to climb through, a slide to slide down, and penguin costumes to dress up in.  Carter and Albert dressed up like penguins as Jackson imitates the a penguin beside them.

Throughout the trip Abby and Landon became inseparable. 

A family photo outside the aquarium

We were all tuckered out after the aquarium so we went back to the room for a "family nap."  Once we woke we jumped on the stroller and decided to sight-see.  Our first stop was the fountain where the boys could splash around in.  They both thought the water was too cold and I agreed...holy cow was it iceberg cold.  

That is shock on Landon's face as he steps into the ice bath water!

Next stop...The Bean!  I look forward to that stop every time we visit because it is just so stinkin cool!  The boys loved crawling underneath it and seeing their reflection.
Can you tell the boys were getting a little bit tired of all the photos they had to pose for?  And when does including the stroller in the photo become a must to include Nolan in the photos?  We are crazy photo freaks!

After the bean we were meeting everyone at the Children's Museum on Navy Pier so we had to quickly get there. I am the biggest cheap skate ever so in the 80 degree weather we pushed all three kids across town until we were sweathogs and were going to be late.  We grabbed a cab and paid $7 to get to navy pier. The boys loved the cab ride.  Carter fastened his seat belt and Landon's and then told Landon, "This is a taxi cab.  We have never been in a taxi cab before.  This is going to be awesome."
First taxi cab ride in the big city

I have heard great things about the children's museum on Navy Pier so I was very excited to check it out.  It was totally awesome.  There were different floors with different rooms that had specific themes.  We started out at the fire station floor.  Here the kids could fight fires, climb under smoke, set off fire alarms, and slide down the pole.  Carter and Landon kept hitting the fire alarms, then grabbing the phones, and yelling "There's a fire everybody. Get out now!"
Fighting fires

Down the pole

Albert and Carter work together to make a fire hose

The boys telling everyone there is a fire

Charles and Albert fight fires together

The next part of the museum was a cargo climbing net that was vertical.  Carter I knew would love it, however Landon gets scared of these things but only after he gets half way up.  This usually means that either Bob and I have to climb up and save him.  I was a little leery of letting him go up but he wanted to try it.  He started to go and then said he was scared.  He started to come back down but looked up to see Carter and then went right up.  At the top the net went horizontally over to the wall and he hesitated a while but Carter went back to help him and he quickly climbed to the finish.
Climbing up!

Cheering on Landon

Landon follows Carter's lead

Proud Landon!

Carter runs across the plank to the finish

The other rooms were construction, water play, a dance party, dinosaur digging, and city scene.  We enjoyed them all!  If you have kids and travel to Chicago, make this a stop on your trip!
Hula hooping at the dance party

What is it with kids and water?  

Jackson and Greta building together

Everyone in the bus to Navy Pier!

Landon works hard on the construction site
Digging for dino bones

Exhausted Charles and Albert

As if all that wasn't enough for a Saturday in Chicago, we played on Navy Pier and wanted to watch the fireworks.  It was getting late and the kids were melting so we decided to head to Charles and Zuzana's room because it had a view for the fireworks.  We were a sight to see...7 adults, 7 children ages 4 years old to six weeks, and two double strollers all walking the streets of Chicago. 
A Thomas train ride with all your friends! Big smiles

Chill-axing on the bed watching Shrek

Staying hydrated after the walk 

Stopping for a quick picture on the walk back...sweating like a stuck pig

The fireworks display was a great ending to a long fun filled day.

Chicago...we will be back!


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