Inside the Chelsea Clock Tower

Last week, Charles mentioned that before we move to Ohio that he would like to take us up in Chelsea clock tower.  He is a VIP here in Chelsea with special privileges so we were very excited about it!  Last Sunday after the Memorial Day parade we all got ready to head up inside.  If you remember from our trip last summer in the lighthouse, I kinda freak out at the top of high places.  Looking at the height of this tower was no exception.  I always remind myself that I can't show my fear to the boys because I don't want them to be scared. When we first started up it was carpeted with a railing so I was totally fine but then it got very dungeon like with no railing on both sides and a steep drop off.
The Boone family by the clocktower

Check out those crazy kids!

After the first ledge we began climbing to the inside of the clock.  It was a very tight squeeze and I held my breath.  Once we reached the top, Charles showed the kids where the bells chime and they even got to autograph the little building inside.

He was very proud of himself as he sits in the clock.

Posing with Greta

Landon was fearless and wanted to adventure around the off limits areas.  

The climb down the stairs was enough to freak anyone out.  The stairs were so steep and narrow.  Bob lead the way down holding Nolan in one hand and Carter's hand in the other.  I had the death grip on Landon's hand because he insisted that he could do it all by himself.  I was never happier than the moment we stepped off the last stair.  Definitely worth the climb and small heart attack but glad we took pictures because I am not interested in doing that again!

After the clock tower, we stopped by the fountain in the Clock tower commons to watch the water shoot out.  Somehow the children ended up throwing in coins from the fountain...the dad's seemed to have slippery fingers.  

This photo busts the dads retrieving coins that have already been wished on!


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