A Surprise Farewell

As our last few weeks here in Michigan are quickly approaching our friends planned a surprise get together.  A while back I had mentioned to Laura that I would like to have Robin our favorite photographer take pictures of all the kids to be used to decorate our new home in Cleveland to help the kids remember each other.  Laura told me that she had contacted Robin and she was unable to come due to a wedding so Laura was going to take photos with her camera.  This was not a problem so I didn’t think anything about it.  Next, everyone that I talked with except one family said that they weren’t going to be able to make it.  I was really bummed about it and even suggested to Laura that we find a different date that would work better.  She said it was too hard to get everyone together with busy schedules. That day the boys took a later nap than usual so we were running a little behind getting to Laura’s house.  As we were getting ready I looked out the window and watched the Bingham’s drive by the house and said to Bob, “We have to get going.  Kristen and Kyle just drove past.” Within minutes of that statement, Bill text Bob to pick up a bag of ice and not to rush come anytime after 5:30.  We left our house at 5:45pm stopped to get ice and as we were pulling into their driveway I knew something was up!  Everyone who told me they couldn't make it was already there and Robin’s car was in the driveway too!
We were greeted at the door by everyone with a huge “Surprise!” and Laura quickly said, “We've been waiting on y’all.  I am gonna kill Bill for telling you anytime after 5:30.” I felt horrible because we were just taking our time not knowing everyone was waiting and the kids were all starting to melt down while waiting.  We all ran out back to snag a group shot of all the kids, girls, and guys. 

All of the kids

Gorgeous Divas

Handsome Hunks

After we filled our stomachs we headed indoors because Laura had created a photo montage of all the Chelsea memories.  The moment I saw the title screen tears rolled down my cheeks.  As I watched all the pictures of our kids I couldn’t help but feel so happy for all the great times we have had in this short time.  The friendship that the boys have with all the kids is just incredible.  I know that we will be able to travel to stay in touch and keep what we have created strong.
In the card for us, all the kids handprints were inside along with a heartfelt message from each family!

Yep, those are tears and running mascara.

Thank you so much for all that went into planning this great surprise.  This Boone family is so grateful!


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