Here we go again!

Today is the day we try again! Bob and I came into the hospital at 5pm. When you arrive at the hospital you enter at the emergency room and call up to the birthing center using the "stork line". This is just a direct line to the birthing center nurses. When I said my name they said "oh, you know the drill. we will be waiting for you." When I got up to the floor, a nurse I had in the first try was waiting for me. I came into the room and knew exactly what to do. She told me that instead of the cervidal that Dr. Stark wanted to try Cytotec. This is in pill form and has to be given every 4 hours. We are donating the cord blood to the Cleveland cord blood bank. We could use the cord blood if we need it and other families that need it could also use it. With this process they need to take 5 vials of blood. I stinkin hate needles. Nurses always tell me that I have great veins. Today I had 2 nurses try 4 times and still could not get the IV port set so they had to call up the people who do the epideral to put it in. Ouchie Mama! Well, that is all that has happened so far and we will start pitocin again tomorrow morning around 6am. I can eat up until midnight but then will not be able to until I get off the pitocin (12 hrs) so I gotta get snackin.


Anonymous said…
Go, baby, go! Sending you lots of good thoughts. Can't wait for Baby Boy Boone's arrival. I think he's inspired Baby Boy Reitz to try the "foot in ribs" trick, ha ha! Thinking of you guys!!
micnauman said…
Thinking about you all! Come on baby boone!!! No worries about the cytotec, I had it too and all was good!! Can't wait to check the blog and see that the little scheister is here!!!

Mic, Deb and Addison
Unknown said…
We are thinking about you guys and praying for the best!
Anonymous said…
Can't wait till he's here! Keep us updated today!
Beth said…
Can't wait for an update, been thinking about you guys all morning! Come on Baby Boone!!!!!!!!

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