What's going on now...
Well, it has been a while since I posted. So sorry! Yesterday I went to the breastfeeding group again. When you get there you weigh your baby and then when you leave you weigh again to see how much he ate. When we got there he weighed 8lbs. 15oz and then when we left he was 9lbs 2 oz. Yep, he's a porker. The breastfeeding is going very well-much better now with the nip shield. He is really getting into a schedule with feeding every 2 hrs. His tummy is an alarm clock because almost to the minute he is really to eat. The nights are getting better. I am still sleeping on the couch and he is sleeping in the pack and play. He will sleep a big chunk of time 4-5hrs. then after that it's every2 hrs. The 4o'clock feeding is the worst. He tends to eat and then fall asleep, poop, and then sleep, instead of finishing eating. Then 40 minutes later he wakes up hungry. Oh, well it could be worse. My day consists of feed him, burp him, change him, then he sleeps, and it all starts again.
P.S. I know that a lot of you have called me on my cellphone. Please do not think that I am ignoring you but I am usually in the middle of burping, changing a diaper, or feeding. I have made a list of people who I need to call back. Don't worry when I get a free minute I will call--I promise. Thank you for being so understanding!
P.S. I know that a lot of you have called me on my cellphone. Please do not think that I am ignoring you but I am usually in the middle of burping, changing a diaper, or feeding. I have made a list of people who I need to call back. Don't worry when I get a free minute I will call--I promise. Thank you for being so understanding!
Isn't it crazy how we end up examining the poo to make sure it's OK??? Ha ha ... two educated women checking out poo ... !!!!
Love you guys!