Another Sleepless Night
Wow~just when I thought it couldn't get worse...Last night was so rough. He was so fussy. He wanted to eat constant and then he would spit up and cry because his belly hurt. When I didn't feed him as long as he wanted he cried because he was still hungry. Bob went to bed around 9:45pm not feeling so well while I battled the baby. My mom always is helping but I feel bad asking for help because I want us to be prepared to handle him all by ourselves. I finally got to sleep for one hour around 3am while Bob took over. Then we switched. I don't sleep well before the baby so I thought that I would be set and able to handle this. I was so wrong! I fed him this morning and he was sleeping. My mom watched him while we slept for 90 minutes. He did very well today with feeding every 2 hours and taking a 1-2hr nap in between. My friend Marcie stopped over today for a short time and that was great! She dropped off dinner and got to see Carter however he slept through her visit. Thanks so much Marcie! We loved it! Tonight Carter went to his very first softball game to see his daddy play! He was so proud to show him off to his buddies. He slept through the whole thing! Oh, well there will be more to see!
Hang in there!!!
Mic, Deb and Addison