Not much time, but here are a few pics and another video. Our first night at home was interesting. Will be back later with a funny story from late late last night.
Love the pics! Another Boone to help supply the endless "only Heidi stories"! I cannot wait to hear them all! If this guy takes after his mom there will be lots of funny stories. Bob wear a helmet around those two!
It is official…the Boone family is diaper free! After six long years of buying, changing, and disposing of dirty diapers we are finally done with those! It is kinda crazy to think we don't have to carry a huge diaper bag full of diapers, wipes, rash cream, and extra clothes in case of a blow out. Around December Nolan began to be interested in the idea of going potty on the potty. He would come into the bathroom to watch everyone and when the boys were going he would press his diaper against the toilet to pretend. The whole potty training process can be quite exhausting so for him and my best interest we decided to wait until summertime. He was very quick start going on the potty. I have to say, ugh how I hate the potty seat. It is just the most disgusting thing ever! I tried to get him to use the big potty with a seat insert but he was scared since it was so tall. He looks like such a big boy on the potty seat! The...
On day 10 the best thing happened...Nolan's umbilical cord fell off. I tell you what when that happens I get so excited because it is stinkin gross and I am always worried I am going to hurt him. We found it in his diaper during a diaper change and Carter shouted, "Mommy Nolan's vilical cord came off!" I cracked up! He knew that when that happened he now gets to take a bath in his big boy bath tub. We quickly got out the tub and filled it with water. The boys each grabbed a washcloth and helped to clean Nolan. Nolan cried at first but as soon as Carter and Landon started to help he was calm as a cucumber. They loved to squeeze the water on his body and wash his tummy. I gave Nolan a bath a few days later by myself and he screamed the whole time at the top of his lungs. From that day forward I am sure the boys have to help me give him bath to keep him calm. Last week Bob's dad Arlin and Barb stopped through on their way home ...
Changes are coming our way fast! Having two in diapers is costly...believe me we have done it before and my wallet is still crying. As we approach the birth of baby #3 getting Landon out of diapers became a top priority. He was not really interested and almost kinda scared at first. He could and would tell me as soon as he finished going potty in his diaper that he needed to be changed. He was also waking up in the morning with a dry night time diaper. This was a sign for me to start pushing him into big boy underpants. I don't mess around with pull ups we just switch to underpants cold turkey and just carry quite a few change of clothes with us. When he realized that he was wearing underpants just like Carter he was hooked. It took about two weeks of hard core potty training but he is going on the potty like a champ. Every time he goes on the potty we all celebrate and everyone gets a treat. Carter is extremely excited a...
How does your little pooch like him?