Wedding at the Lodge

My cousin Kelli, was getting married at "The Lodge" down around Hocking Hills.  James and Kelli announced their engagement the last time we were down there at Thanksgiving and have been working hard ever since that moment to make the lodge their wedding venue.  What a lot of blood, sweat, and tears went in the transformation of this made me speechless and let's be real that is hard to do.  The night of the rehearsal it poured down rain from the moment we woke up until about 11pm and we were worried everything was going to be a muddy mess.  Saturday morning, the wedding day, the clouds opened and the sun shone through all day to make their special day unforgettable.

The bride with her special girls!!!

The ceremony took place in the front barn and it was beautiful...rustic wood, a unique altar, white chairs, and mason jars filled with flowers.  

Here is the only family photo we got with everyone looking at the camera.

Chad and Brian

While the bridal party took pictures the kids played and Landon loved catching frogs to show the "ladies".

It wouldn't be a trip to the lodge without a ride in the Army Truck...we rode down from the top of the hill in it. 

This is the beautiful barn that was built on the property for the reception.  It was the most beautiful barn I have ever been inside. 


Does it get any cuter than this?  Peyton and Nolan riding around while the bridal party got pictures.

Father and daughter dance...not a dry eye in the place.

The boys were so excited to have two weddings within two weeks to dance at!

Our only selfie of the much fun together!

This is one of my favorite photos of the night...We had all been dancing like maniacs on the dance floor and sat down for a hot second to rest.  I love spending time together as a family at the lodge...we are very lucky to have each other.

The couple dancing on the dance floor at the end of the night.  Izzy had been cooped up in the lodge during the ceremony and reception and when she was able to get out she came right over to Kelli and James.

As this picture is was an incredible night.  Family is and will always be what's most important.
We were so happy and lucky to be a part of Kelli and James special day!


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