Impromptu camping trip

I love to jam pack our summer full of events so that there is no down time because when school starts we have to get back to reality.  We have been trying to find a weekend to go camping but it has yet to work out until...a weekend that we had baseball tournaments ended quicker then we hoped (lost first game) gave us the opportunity to plan a last minute camping trip.  Bob grabbed us a site at River Run Family Campground in Mohican.  We threw the camper on the back of the van, clothes, bedding, and crossed our fingers we had everything we needed.  We had a lot of space at our site that the boys could run and play.

Fishing...that's what they wanted to do most!  Bob is getting the Barbie fishing rod ready for Nolan who gladly fished with it.

Carter and Landon played washers in the yard.  Moments after I took this picture, Landon stepped on a bumblebee that stung him on the bottom of the foot.  Poor guy!

Boys love the outdoors and finding bugs

Snacks taste so good when your camping!
We had no real plan for the trip so Bob suggested we go rafting together.  This was his and the boys first time in Mohican.  We all jumped in a bus that drove us to the drop off.  This raft was perfect for our family.  If you look Nolan is riding backwards, he refused to turn around the whole trip...not a battle worth fighting.

It was a seven mile rafting ride which translated into about 2 hours in the raft.  They were awesome!  Next time we will try some white water rapids!
I wanted to do some hiking so we drove around in search of some trails.  We came upon the first fire tower in the town.  This rickety structure looked like it might blow over in the next wind storm but Carter and Bob braved it all the way to the top. I took one for the team and volunteered to supervise Nolan as he napped in the car.

Here we are hiking to Lyon Falls!

The falls was just a cute little trickle of water coming from the top of these rocks. The boys got a kick out of pretending it was a shower and letting it soak their hair.

On the hike back to the car, we came across this black rat snake.  There was a park naturalist there who told us that this snake is over 4 feet long and lives in the tree that just fell down in the storm.  The boys were so interested and got as close as they could.

A covered bridge!

We ended our last night with glow sticks, smores, and Jiffy Pop on the campfire.  Each one of the boys slept with their glow sticks.  The only way we can get our kids to sleep in is when they sleep in the camper. For it being a quick impromptu camping trip we sure did have fun!


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