Nolan's shenanigans

Right now Nolan is going through quite a time...he is cracking me up but wow does he test the limits on the daily!!! Here are just a few of the most recent moments I don't want to forget...

At the baseball game...
Nolan: loud as can be "I just tooted" 
Me:"that isn't something we say out loud it's kind of like your own secret "
Nolan: "it's not a secret when it smells like that"

Nolan came out shirtless on the front porch. I said "Where did your shirt go? He said, ( as serious as a judge) "A big wind came and blew my shirt right off. It really did mom."

Nolan pooping in bathroom at Aldi. I said "Hurry up because I have to go too." Nolan says, "Mom just borrow my hair and go in the men's." 

I opened the fridge in the morning and this is what I saw...Raphael's sai next to the chicken drumsticks and eggs.  When I asked Carter about it he said, "Mom Nolan does that because he thinks that it will make it shoot out frozen lasers."

In the midst of a Target shopping adventure with me and the boys, Nolan says he has to pee and can't hold it so...we lug the jam packed shopping cart to the front to the bathroom.  We all venture in the family restroom together and he convinces his brothers they should all pee together at the same time. As they are all peeing, Landon says, "Thanks Nolan because since we all peed together we made a snowflake with our streams."


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