More summer fun

The weeks of summer are quickly passing but don't you worry we are enjoying every minute of it!!!  We have spent every hot and sunny day swimming over at the neighbors pool at least once sometimes even three times a day.

The boys have been a little obsessed with the summer reading program at the library.  This is a chance for them to log how many minutes they read and earn tickets for prizes.  I have caught them out on the front porch reading to each other and counting the minutes for their reading log.  I am loving it because it gives me a chance to catch on my reading too!

I looked out in the driveway and caught Landon reading the National Geographic magazine to Nolan while they ate popcorn and drank water.

I stumbled upon a local orchard that offered u-pick cherries that we had never been before.  Uncle Matt, Lillian, and Ben met the boys and I there to check it out.

They encouraged us to taste test the cherries on each tree to see if we liked them.  We did plenty of this.

Carter asked me to take a picture of this because it looks like the cherries Pac Man eats in the video game.

Nolan was a picking maniac.  Sometimes they weren't the ripest ones either.  As we were walking back to the barn to pay, Nolan tripped and his bucket of cherries spilled out.  We had to sort through them because he had so many.

It was a fun new experience that we will definitely add to our summer bucket list each year.


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