Annual summer trip to Aunt Sharon's

It has come time for our annual summer trip down to visit my Aunt Sharon, Uncle Larry, and our cousins.  The kids and I look forward to this get way to visit and catch up with everyone.

Here are the boys with my cousin Amy's kids Samantha and Gavin...they spent almost all the time with us!

Amy's oldest son Dylan who will be a senior in high school this year...really loved on Nolan.  

Sharon introduced the boys to "walking tacos."  Landon's idea of tacos is warm tortillas, crushed up Doritos, and shredded cheese.  Their tacos were all a little different but they got a kick out of making their own and being able to carry around their food.  Sharon said, "These are "walking tacos" so you must walk and not run."  Oh how the kids couldn't help themselves from running with their walking tacos.  It was quite funny!

Sharon set up a carnival in the garage with games for the kids to play and earn points.  There was pin the nose on the clown, rubber duckie numbers, dig in sand for coins, bean bag toss, and the list goes on and on.  The kids had a blast!  It's always an adventure. 

Located in their town is a piece of art called "The bicycle fence".  A man wrote a children's book about the bicycle fence that he created out of old bikes to reuse them.  It's pretty cute!

Yep the verdict is in...these boys love our visits to see Aunt Sharon!

Craziness...chalk it up to fun overload!


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