A factory tour

Snagging a visit with Amy and the kids can be hard because we are all so very busy so any chance our schedules align we make it happen.  This visit was a quick one night visit due to having to be back for baseball games.
I came across a link on Facebook about the Dum Dum Sucker Factory being in Bryan Ohio which is pretty close to Amy's house.  I mentioned it to her and she was up for the journey so we threw the kids in the car to check it out.  We arrived at this cute little store and museum.  A guided trolly tour started every 15 minutes so we were sure it would be quick...we arrived at 1:06pm we couldn't get on the tour until 1:45pm.  Yep, try and keep 7 children busy in a small store/museum for that many minutes...pretty tough.  Our attempt to buy us some time was to take pictures in the parking lot next to the sign of your favorite flavor of Dum Dum sucker.

Nolan's favorite...don't worry I tried to get him to open his eyes but it was a lost cause.

Carter loves root beer...truth be told that is my absolute favorite too but I never told him that!

Landon loves Cotton Candy!

We got all the kids together and we are trying to get them all to look at the camera and Amy starts cracking up laughing.  She shows me this...Nolan is punching Landon in the penis.  Unforgettable memories made at the Dum Dum Factory.

While half the kids had to use the restroom, I kept the others in the car to watch a show to pass the time.  Kirsi insisted on driving!

The trolley ride was so much fun as we rode through the factory you could smell the sweet sugar!  It isn't every day that you can get everyone in a hair net and smiling!  Chalk this up as a win!


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