Weekend weather extremes

This past weekend the boys and I went down to Bucyrus to visit Grandpa Grocho while Bob went to Michigan to celebrate Angie's birthday.  
Grandpa is currently in the nursing home in Bucyrus where he is doing well.  When I got there he was roaming the halls with Grandma by his side.  He was in the wheelchair using his feet to push himself through the halls as he talked with Grandma.  It is a moment forever written on my memory because they both were together smiling.  Dad and I joined Grandma and Grandpa in the cafe to chat while Grandpa ate.  He ate very well…better than I had seen him eat in a long time.  He carried on a great conversation and was as close to himself as I remember.  
After the visit, we ventured over to one of our favorite outdoor places:Lee-Volk Nature Center.  They have great hiking trails and a super cool nature center with real creatures to watch.  The weather has been unseasonably warm for January (51 degrees).   We love being outside and exploring!
The boys found the one piece of ice in the whole place and jumped on it until it cracked.

Paw Paw helped Nolan find a walking stick for the hike. However, Nolan used it for a sword.

Throughout the woods we came across several "lean-to's".  They loved to climb in and out of them like tee-pees.

These pictures cracked me up because the boys were so determined to "make fire." 

Paw Paw helped Nolan find his first official wollybear.  He wanted to take it home with us so bad.

This might be hard to believe but early the next morning the weather went from 51 degrees to 24 degrees with snow.  The boys have been waiting for snow for such a long time they were just over the moon.  After our white knuckle drive home, we all jumped into our snow suits and headed outside. 
Nolan and Landon insisted on shoveling the sidewalk and driveway.  Landon quickly said, "This is hard work."

We ended the weekend with a big snowball fight!  


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