Great times with Old friends

Each year around Christmas break, we try our hardest to get together with the Hammer's!  The past few years we have even been lucky enough to have the Grieser's stop by and stay the night with us on their way through from Charlotte.  With Grandpa being in the hospital we had to change our plans and meet later during break but we were so glad that we did!
Me, T, and Koenn all together with T's little one (Natalie 6 months)

It is so great when you have friends that no matter how long since you talked or seen each other you can pick up the conversation right where you left off.  I get so excited to see them and their families!  Catching up and recalling old memories make it so much fun.

Here is the crew:  Landon, Tyler, Carter, Nolan, Aubrey, Elise, Haley, Natalie

Carter and Haley are working on a lego set together

It always surprises me with how well the kids all play together.  

Nolan playing Pie Face…so silly

Bob gets it!
TJ finally got hit

Nolan let Aubrey take care of him all weekend…carrying him around, rubbing his back, etc!

A weekend with the Hammers is always full of crazy fun…a face mask facial…don't mind if we do!!!

Getting beautiful!

Carter had his first loose tooth when we left our house.  All week I was trying to wiggle it and pull it out but he was so not into letting me help.  He would wiggle it with his tongue and pull it back with his top teeth.  It was hanging by a thread and the last night we stayed while brushing his teeth it came right out.  He was so happy!  Amy gave him a "tooth pillow" to put it in and place under his pillow.

The next morning he found three golden dollar coins and a note from the tooth fairy in the shape of a tooth.  I love listening to him retell the story to anyone who asks about how it fell out and what the tooth fairy left for him.  It was one of those "firsts" you look forward to as a parent because the wonder and excitement they have makes it all worth while!


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