Christmas 2015

Upon our return from vacation, I found out that Grandpa Grocho was in the hospital.  Maw Maw and I jumped into the car and drove down to visit him.  At that time he was in ICU with a severe infection.  He was very weak, having a hard time catching his breath, and was not eating much but jello.  I was so worried.  When we walked into his room, he began to cry so hard that he couldn't catch his breath.  Oh, how the tears were running down my face and his.  It was very hard to see him like that.  The priest had come in earlier that day and we were all concerned with this health.  The next day (Christmas Eve), Bob and the boys came down to visit.  He had regained enough strength and was stable enough that they moved him to a regular hospital room.  This meant that the boys were able to go back and see him.  I was hesitant to have them go back to see him that way but he was asking to see them all.  When we went back to the room, Carter was very interested in seeing Grandpa and spent most of the time on Grandma's lap.  Landon and Nolan were both a little scared and seemed very shy.

Landon giving Grandpa their secret handshake

Grandma squeezing up the boys

Every Christmas Eve, we always have our Christmas get together at Grandma and Grandpa's house but with the current situation we were unable to do this. Luckily, Grandma was able to sneak over to Maw Maw's house to see all the kids together.
Next we jumped in the car and headed up to our house.  When we got here, Maw Maw had them open their Christmas pajamas.  They were all minions!   Addie did not care for her pink minions she would have rather had princess pajamas. Before bed Maw Maw told them a story about reindeer and then we went outside to sprinkle reindeer food on the yard.

Santa brought Nolan his own super fast 4-wheeler.

The weather was so mild that we were outside a lot.  Lincoln and Nolan were trying out their new plasma cars.

Carter and Nolan were using sidewalk chalk!

Nolan borrowed Lincoln's mower as he was talking to his brothers on the walkie talkie

Princess Addie was having the time of her life as she cuddled her babies.

Aunt D and I got a selfie sticks!  So fun

Cuddles for all!

Happy Birthday Paw Paw!  61years young!

Our favorite game of the night was Pie Face.   It is like "Russian Roulette" with whipped cream in your face.  Paw Paw had a blast getting smashed with cream.

Addie loved it!

Look at Lincoln!  

Gotcha Landon!

Grandma Angie got the boys a pop shot basketball game for Christmas.  They loved it but I think the adults enjoyed it more!!!  We created a bracket where we all played against each other.  The competition was intense!  

Jeremy came out as the victor!

One of my favorite events of the night was when all the adults were talking in the kitchen and dancing, when we looked over these 3 were tossing the leftover salad from bowl to plate.  This activity kept them very busy for at least 10-15minutes.  It's the simple things in life that you can appreciate!

Santa brought the boys lots of fun stuff!

Their first set of walkie talkie's

Covered in penguins!!!

The holidays are so much fun when you have family and friends to share them with.


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