
Showing posts from May, 2013

The Hammer family comes to visit

Our friends from college and their kids came to visit us here in Chelsea.  We always have a great time together and our kids get along very well.  It was a short visit, just Friday night to Saturday evening but we make the most out of it! Aubrey was very interested in holding Nolan first A tub full of fun A picnic at the park It was too cute to watch the kids on the tire swing together.  They were giggling the whole time! Look at how happy Haley is to get her squeezes in on Nolan The whole group of keeps growing in number.

One month old!

Nolan is officially one month old!  At his two week appointment he weighed 9 lbs. 7.5oz.  He was 23 inches long.  This little man is pretty laid back!  He sleeps very well for us; better than Carter or Landon did at this time in their lives.  He will go to bed around 10:30pm and wakes up around 2-3am, eats, then back to bed until 7am.  Each day he gets very fussy around 4:30-7.  This is what Bob and I call “the witching hours” because it doesn’t matter what you try to do during this time to soothe him he continues to fuss.  He is a good eater but he gulps and gulps.  This causes him to burp like a grown man and sometimes spit up. The boys are adjusting to life with another brother.  Carter is very protective of him.  He doesn’t want to hold him very often but is very gentle with him.  Landon has been a pistol.  He is having a hard time understanding what he does could hurt him.  He got angry the other day and threw a toy which bounced up and hit Nolan.  He will grab his arm and

Carter graduates from preschool

I have to admit the whole idea of “graduating” for preschoolwhen you have to return next year for 4-year old preschool is a little hokeyfor me.  It is a hard concept to explainto your kids to understand.  Anyways bethat as it may, once I arrived at the ceremony and saw him in that papergraduation cap my heart melted.  My mom,Bob’s mom, and Katie came to see him graduate. Bob was in Cleveland for training for his new position so he wasn’t ableto be there.  This was very difficult forhim to miss out on so I videotaped it for him to watch when he got home.  Most of the students wore the papergraduation caps.  When their name wascalled by the teacher they would walk across this little bridge, pose and smilefor the camera.  Carter was so proud ofhimself when he go up there on that bridge he was full of pride.  After they crossed the bridge they all sangsongs and had a treat.  Our little scholar So proud Singing with classmates Eating a snack with one of his best friends Hudson Once it

How quickly things change…

Let me take you back to the beginning to properly tell the story…We have been living in a rental house downtown since we moved to Chelsea.  Our lease was up in October but we had been renting month by month.  At the end of March, I came home from playgroup there was a for sale sign in the front yard.  Our landlord didn’t call or text us to let us know of the change.  When we saw them at church on Sunday, I chatted with her about what was happening and she said that they weren’t actively trying to sell the house until we left in June.  This was a huge sigh of relief for me because I couldn’t imagine trying to keep the house clean and ready to be looked at while taking care of a newborn.  But then, that next Tuesday I got a text from her that said, “Can I bring a family through the house on Friday?” I text her back, “I’m confused didn’t you just tell me that you weren’t actively trying to sell the house?” She replied “Our plans change every day.” Wow did this send the rage to blow st

Mother's Day Tea

On Thursday at Carter's preschool, they had a mother's day tea.  Carter didn't talk about it much and I wasn't sure if it was something he was really into at all.  I was so excited to go and just have time with him.  Aunt Katie came over to save the day and go to playgroup with Landon and Nolan so I could have quality time with Carter.  When I arrived Carter walked me to our table which was set up for a tea party.  We each had a tea cup and saucer along with a small plate.  He decided to make me a cucumber sandwich and he had goldfish and marshmallows.  Once we sat down he gave me this card he had made.  It is covered in jewel stickers and he had to tell me all about the colors and shapes.  He poured me and himself pink lemonade into our fancy teacups. As he was drinking he told me that he had to put his pinkie out while he drank because his teachers taught him to do that when you drink out of fancy cups.  This made me laugh out loud! After we all ate a snack

Nolan's First Bath and a Visit from Grandma and Grandpa Boone

On day 10 the best thing happened...Nolan's umbilical cord fell off.  I tell you what when that happens I get so excited because it is stinkin gross and I am always worried I am going to hurt him.  We found it in his diaper during a diaper change and Carter shouted, "Mommy Nolan's vilical cord came off!" I cracked up!  He knew that when that happened he now gets to take a bath in his big boy bath tub.  We quickly got out the tub and filled it with water.  The boys each grabbed a washcloth and helped to clean Nolan.  Nolan cried at first but as soon as Carter and Landon started to help he was calm as a cucumber.  They loved to squeeze the water on his body and wash his tummy. I gave Nolan a bath a few days later by myself and he screamed the whole time at the top of his lungs.  From that day forward I am sure the boys have to help me give him bath to keep him calm. Last week Bob's dad Arlin and Barb stopped through on their way home for Florida to se

Touch A Truck

I am always looking for things to do with the kids and bless Bob's heart for being so willing to go along with it!  Carter's preschool teacher sent home a flyer about a touch a truck event.  This is where they have tons of different types of vehicles that the kids can get in and pretend to drive.  The boys stinkin love trucks of all shapes and sizes so we packed up into the car and went.  The event started at 9 until noon.  Getting a family of five ready and out the door isn't as easy yet for us...we got there around 11:30.  This turned out to be just enough time for the boys to see what they wanted and not have to wait in really long lines. The boys are climbing in a moving truck. In an ambulance...Landon is holding his rescue bot, Bumblebee Waiting patiently to get in the school bus.  When they got in they both went to the back and found a seat and then waved out the window at me.  At that moment I had a flash forward to how quickly this is really going

Having Fun

As our family has grown we have really been trying to make sure that everyone gets some attention.  I have found that this is easier said than done.  I often feel that I am constantly nursing and then the down time I am managing outrageous behavior because of attention seeking. can be expected with a newborn and two energetic toddlers.  I found this great idea on pinterest...I know you are surprised, and my friend Laura tried it out with her kids too.  It is called play snow.  Using a bar of ivory soap you microwave it and it expands into a big fluffy cloud.  As soon as the kids began to play with it becomes a flaky mess.  It smelled great and the boys had a super fun time.  They drove their cars through it and covered it with it.  Carter said, "A blizzard covered my car." I am going to use the leftover flakes to make puffy bathtub paint soon. Scooping and covering their cars Landon seemed to wear more than I thought was possible. While my