Spring soccer

One of our favorite seasons is soccer season!  It's such a fun fast paced game.  Nolan is playing on a travel team with so many of his friends, who are pretty successful.  Currently, Nolan enjoys it but Bob and I agree he could put forth more effort. 

This season they lost just a couple games. 

At the end of the year tournament, Nolan hyperextended a tendon is his foot while kicking the soccer ball at the same time as an apponet. This injury caused him to miss out in playing in the championship game.  He was a great teammate who cheered on his friends as they won in an overtime victory. 

Carter missed out on his whole season this year due to his injury.  Landon continued to play with his team and also played with Carter's team.  He loves the game of soccer and continues to impress us with his skills. This year he had several "headers" into the goal!  


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