Baseball, baseball, and more baseball

This baseball season the boys decided to try out for three different teams.  Usually, Carter and Landon play together just to help out with the logistics however Carter was interested in playing with kids in his grade level.  So to say this season was crazy is an absolute understatement.  Bob was an assistant coach for both Nolan and Landon's teams and most of the time they played or practiced at the same time so it really stretched his time very thin.  
This was Nolan's first year on a travel baseball team.  He spent some time on the mound and out in the outfield.  One weekend in June both Landon and Nolan had in Columbus and one in Massillon at the exact same time.  Bob went with Nolan and Carter, and Landon and I went to Massilion. 

Nolan had a good time and tried hard. 

After one of the games in Columbus the whole team went to watch the Columbus Clippers baseball team play. 
Caught themselves on the Jumbotron

Tournament runner-ups

We are fortunate to have a facility in our town where coaches can guide the players on swing mechanics. 

Our seasons always start out with so many rain outs and the coaches give their time and energy to try and dry out the fields.

Landon has the best time on his team because it is full of his closest friends. 

Play the sport because you love it...that's all that matters to us!


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