Girls weekend in Michigan

Each year I take a fun girl's trip with all my college teammates and have a blast so why not take another girls trip with other girls I love.   In February, for a long weekend I jumped in the car with Andi Askins and Alissa Truax and met Deborah Coy and Laura Lokers in Frankenmuth.  We stayed at a delightful airbnb downtown within walking distance to most fun places.  

The weekend was full of food, fun, laughter and shopping. We spent the day Saturday shopping at the outlets. 

We braved the cold icy temperatures to eat at a local favorite BBQ...however it wasn't a place we would come back to for the food. 

On our way out of town, Alissa Andi, and I stopped at a cute little restaurant called Honey B's.  It was a tiny little breakfast/lunch place.  The food was absolutely delightful and the coffee and tea were delicious. 
Cheers to a new tradition with some wonderful women!


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