Michigan summer trip

We have been dying for the chance to get up to Michigan for the summer but it didn't work out until mid July.  We were so ready to jump in the car and get up there to enjoy friends and family.

Our first stop was a visit to Grandma Angie.  The boys love to walk over to the industrial park to see the trains come by.
Aunt Katie and Uncle Jeremy got a boat this summer and the boys have been so excited to ride on it and tube behind it!

It was a perfect day for being out on the lake too!  It was sunny and the lake was calm.  All three started out on the tube but Nolan and Landon quickly decided they were unsure of it.

Carter was fearless and couldn't get enough of it!  Aunt Katie tried hard to get him off the tube but he held on tight.

There most favorite thing to do was be the one in charge of pulling in or casting out the next person on the tube.  Nolan and Landon overtime gained some confidence and decided to give the tube another try.  Thank goodness they did because they loved it.

Grandma even went out with us but we couldn't get her in the water.

Aunt Katie was in heaven having the boys there with her.  She was even brave enough to let the boys help "drive"the boat.  They each thought they were something special!

Landon rocking it on the tube...look no hands!

Super fun snuggles on the boat!

If this picture doesn't scream summer fun, I don't know what will!

Early the next morning, Uncle Jeremy and Bob took the boys out again on the boat to fish.  They had been looking forward to this from the moment we arrived.  Each boy was able to catch a fish while they were on the boat.

Saturday evening we snuck over to the Coy family house for a cookout.  It was so great to get together and catch up with what's going on.  Lucas Coy, the oldest, said to me when we got there, "When are you guys moving back here? It really is a great place."  We are so lucky to have a relationship with these families that we can pick up right where we left off.

Sunday morning before we headed back to Ohio we jumped on the boat for one last trip out on the water.
Thanks so much for a great time...we will be back again soon!


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