Can’t get enough summer

Since Spring Break Carter has been training with the Run Club at school which consists of third grade students and teacher coaches to compete in a 5k at the Fish Festival.  He loves to run...always has been the mode of movement of choice for him since he could walk.  He looked forward to each practice they had and couldn't wait for the big race. Race day was a beautiful and it was so cool to see all the students there ready to run this race together.

Carter had many people there to cheer him on!  Grandma Angie and Maw Maw were there.  

When the race began he took off and set up a great pace.  The night before the boys made posters that we held as the runners ran past.  Carter would smile the biggest smile as he ran past us.

Carter completed the race in 30 minutes and was quickly back on the sidelines cheering on the rest of the "running club" teammates as they finished the race.  What a huge accomplishment this was for all of them.  I have to admit I was a little emotional as I watched these kids finish.  They worked so hard and for many of them this was their first race ever.

Nolan was so proud of his big brother!

Aunt Katie was there too cheering him on.

Proud Mama...this kid is going to move mountains.

With all the things we have going on this summer, we haven't been able to make it to the beach as much as I would like but we make the most of it when we get there.  Crazy enough most of the beach is washed away at our favorite lucky stone finding beach (Sherod Park) so we have been sad about that. This is the view I love to see...three boys looking for beach treasures.

At the end of the week, the Hammer kids and Amy made the trip over to stay with us for a few days.  We always have a great time together.  We ventured over to Get Air to jump around on trampolines for a few hours.

We returned to the house and tie-dyed t-shirts together, had a spa day on the front porch which included a foot bath and hot stone massage, and then they introduced the boys to the movie Mall Cop.  Oh the laughter and giggles that filled the house while the kids were here was just music to my ears.


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