Thanksgiving at the Lodge

Let the holiday season begin!  That means food, laughter and doesn't get any better than this.  We jumped into the car and headed down to the Lodge. We were so lucky with such mild weather that we spent as much time outdoors as we could.

Check out these crazy trouble makers...Two peas in a out world!

Nothing but outdoor fun with nature!

I can never tell who is having more fun the boys or Bob!

Carter, Addie, and I went on a nature walk just to explore.  We stopped several times along the way just to listen and chat about what we loved the most about being at the lodge. It's a place we love to come together with our family.

Uncle Edd and the kids

Maw Maw even jumped on board to ride along

I am not sure about your Thanksgiving but ours included a face painting event. Fun!

Of course Landon would beg for a block M.

If the kids weren't out riding the trials they were sitting and pretending on the four wheelers.

My cousin Amy and two of kids were able to come down an be with us this time.  It was so great to have everyone close.

As we all pack up and get ready to head home, Kelli and James always show the pictures that have been taken over the weekend on the TV.  We all gather around and laugh and reflect on all the memories we have made.  The last photo that appeared was James on his knee with Kelli.  We all gasped, cheered, hugged, and cried as we showed our love and support for this happy event.  It was the absolute best way to conclude a wonderful weekend.


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