
First I must beg for forgiveness because it has been such a long time since my last post.  Bob's position requires him to travel quite a bit during the fall (recruiting season) so we have been in pure survival mode.  I will try my best to catch us up quickly. 

Carter and Landon have recently become a little Pokemon obsessed so it was no question when it came to picking out costumes that they wanted to be Pokemon creatures.  I tried to talk Nolan into being something else but that was not a battle worth fighting when you want to be just like your big brothers.  After purchasing these costumes, Carter had a great idea that both Bob and I should participate in the Pokemon costume craziness. Bob was Ash the Pokemon master and I was Misty the girl Pokemon master.  Here is our best attempt at being a family obsessed with Pokemon. 

Each year our neighbor hood has trick or treat the Saturday night before Halloween which works out so well.  We have our friends over for dinner and trick or treating.  This year my parents had Lincoln and Addie while Danielle and Edd were at a wedding so they joined in the fun also. 

Selfies with Daddio! Landon was Squirtel.

A happy dad who caught all the Pokemon!

There was a quick wardrobe change for the trick or treating through the neighborhood.  Angie brought a bird costume that I just resist. It was wonderful night.


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