Got all five!

Recently Danielle and Edd have sold their house and purchased another house and they needed a moment to finish packing and prepare their house for closing. With Bob gone to Seattle for work, my parents gone to Hilton Head for vacation, I was the perfect person to help out.  I didn't tell Danielle that Bob wasn't going to be there because I knew she wouldn't bring the kids up because she wouldn't leave me with 5 kids 7 and under on my own.  When she arrived with the kids they were having blast and she said, "What time does Bob get home from work tonight?"  I said, "Tuesday" She was shocked but I reassured her that I could manage and she needed to go back and get the house ready.  Reluctantly she headed home and I said prayers for patience, energy, and safety.  It was Friday so we all piled into the van and headed to Wendy's for "Frosty Friday." The kids loved being in the car all together.  

These two are trouble!  They played garbage trucks out in the sand pit for quite some time.  Addie played for awhile but once she realized that she was the only girl she got a little mopey.  I went upstairs and grabbed my polish and asked her if I could paint her nails.  She told me the polish wasn't purple enough for her...Cracked me up!

With Bob being gone, if you know me, I do not sleep well by myself.  I have all the lights on in the house with all three boys in bed with me locked in the bedroom with a laundry basket in front of the door.  Now I had to find a way to get all 5 kids in the bedroom to lock it down like Fort Knox.  I put two air mattresses on the floor by the bed while Carter, Landon, and Nolan were in the bed with me.  My mission each day was to wear our the kids so much that they would collapse from complete exhaustion and luckily that happened. They were all early risers (before 7am) and this isn't typical of Danielle's kids so there were some meltdowns throughout the day.
There were lots of crafts being done to pass the time.

Playdoukh creations!!!

Addie loved playing house with the two younger boys in the bedroom.  She would read to them and then tell them to go to bed.

The weather was unexpectedly warmer then most fall days so we decided to try a nature hike.  I felt like I was herding feral cats at moments but they had a blast.
I was exhausted when Uncle Edd picked up the kids on Sunday morning but it was so much fun seeing the kids together.  


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