It's Christmas tree time

The older the boys get the busier it seems we get especially around the holidays. We were able to sneak away after school on Friday to pick out our tree. In theory it sounds like an amazing experience where you walk hand in hand and choose the perfect tree. In reality it is me gritting my teeth as I remind the boys not to run around the place of business and just when I take a breath I realize Nolan is peeing on one of the trees a family is interested in buying. Landon of course had to poop right when we found the trees we were deciding between so I took him to the portA pot and the others pulled the tree on the cart. My favorite part is watching Bob tie the tree to the top of our mini van. Paw Paw was able to come with us too. We saw the reindeer, drank hot cocoa, and warmed up by the fire.

The reindeer promptly started pooping when Landon walked up. He clearly thought this was the best day ever!

Our family photo this year was a hot mess. Luckily Paw Paw stood in and was able to be a part of this crazy photo.  Blessed for the memories but losing hair for the craziness it brings!


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