Time for the Mudder!!

It's time for the annual Kid Mudder!  This is the race that the boys look forward to each year.  It takes place in Brooklyn, MI at the Michigan International Speedway.  Aunt Katie and Grandma Angie came along with us to cheer the big boys on. This race was sold out this year for the first time ever. 
Here are the boys looking on as they wait to be released in to the starting line.
We tend to be a bit competitive in our family (not sure where they get that from???) but on this race we take time to remind them that it is all about doing your best.  Not to worry about what everyone else is doing but doing the best that you can and being proud of yourself at the end for all you have accomplished!
The boys anxiously await the start of the race.  I have to admit the moment I see them line up I get emotional.  There is something about watching your kids compete that just brings so much pride to my heart.  
The obstacles the kids had to overcome were pretty awesome.  Carter is in the orange tie dye shirt in the middle.

Landon is in the white shirt on the right side #196

Carter had no hesitation to get dirty!

Caked with Mud

Landon was quite clean during the race

As the boys ran by we were cheering and calling out their names.  It was so fun to see them look for us and smile once they found us in the crowd.

Carter climbs over the wall

Landon tackles the obstacle without fear

I was very impressed with how fast Carter went over the log

Landon was a little shaky but kept it balanced the whole way

They had to crawl through the water mud hole under the chain link fence

These boys show their muscles and medals between all the mud and sweat!

Here we are cheering you on today and forever!  Keep making us proud and doing the best you can!


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