First Girls Trip

It seems like every year my college teammates and I always talk about wouldn't it be so fun to get away together for a girls weekend.  However, life gets crazy and we have yet to set anything up.  Until...this year, thank goodness my friend Melissa took the time to research and book a house for us all.  There were 6 of us planning on going but when it came down to it only 4 of us could make it this year.  We stayed in a beautiful house on Lake Michigan. 
With the days leading up to the getaway the "mom guilt" was coming on thick.  I knew once I got there I would be okay but just hate asking for others to help out so I can go have fun.   It was about 5 hours from home so once I started out, I cranked up the tunes and had a personal jam session the whole way.  The closer I got to the destination the more giddy I became! Once we all arrived together it was bunch of hugs and giggles and bittersweet realization that we were all without responsibilities for a few day! BLISS!
We walked down to the beach to take in all the beauty!  The water was just a bit chilly but so clean.
We decided we weren't cooking dinner so it was time to explore.  We jumped in Kelly's jeep with the top down and headed toward Saugatuck.  We stumbled upon a park so we thought climbing to the top would be so much fun!

There were 304 wooden steps up to the top.  Once we reached the top we were expecting this beautiful breathtaking view but we were a little disappointed. 

We were a little winded when we reached the top but needed a photo to prove we had made it to the top.

The journey down was so much easier! It brought back lots of memories of our 3-a-day volleyball practices.  We seem to be a little less in shape then we were 15 years ago.  
It was a beautiful day so we chose a cute little restaurant called "The Mermaid" right on the water.  We were sweating like sweat hogs but was sure to hydrate with some yummy drinks!  The food there was delicious.  To the point where I pondered the idea of licking my clean plate...superb!  We didn't have to worry about feeding children, changing diapers, or parenting at all...just time to relax and enjoy each other's company.
Cheers to the friendship we have in each other!

Melissa's mom, Chloe, sent us cute little cups for the trip.  She is so thoughtful!  We used these cups and ice cubes to carry our sweet beverages.

Don't you worry, I remembered my "selfie stick" from Christmas on this trip.  I was using that thing like a pro by the end of the trip.
A crazy coincidence, Katie was having her annual girls trip also and we were about two miles from each other.  I thought it would be a great idea to take a walk down to their place.  Long story, short, it was a late night dark walk in a wooded area where both T and Melissa would have rather not gone.  I say, it was a fun memory that we will never forget.  Next time we will hike with flashlights or during the day!

This is what our days consisted of...get up, drink coffee, head to the beach for a few hours, eat lunch, back to beach, shower, head out to shop and eat dinner, watch olympics, and laugh.  
The next night, T's friend Molly, joined us for some fun. We ventured to South Haven. It was such a cool town where we shopped like tourists!  We ate at a restaurant called Taste.  It was a small plate restaurant which was so fun because we all ordered two plates of different things and passed them around and tried it all.  It was delicious!

My first martini!  It definitely won't be my last!

We shopped in the little stores that lined the streets without having to worry about whether our kids were going to break things.  It was so therapeutic!

A gorgeous evening to walk the pier.  We were lucky to catch the sunset together.

How cool is the sunset along with the moon peeking over the top!

Smiles with Kelly! Enjoyed all the moments and conversation we had together throughout the trip!

The mornings were so peaceful as we listened to the waves lap into the shore.

So Kelly strapped her paddle board on the top of her super cool non mom style Jeep to bring on the trip.  We were so excited to try it out on the water.  We carried this beast down the road and our 84 steps down to the beach.  The water was quite rough that day but we were all committed to trying our best at paddle boarding.

This is Melissa and Kelly going out together.  

What a stinking fun activity.  We had so much fun laughing and cheering one another on!

Let's do this!!!

Hot Mama's!

Kelly masters the board!


The last night that we were there we got a little crazy.  You could tell that we were trying to absorb all the fun and silliness that we could before we had to head back to reality!  We played spoons, left right center, and other silly games! 

I am truly blessed to have these beautiful women in my life.  They inspire me to not only be the best mom, but the best woman I can be. A tradition has begun!


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